
Networking opens doors to new opportunities, insights, and collaborations. It's about building and maintaining relationships with people who can help you succeed in your career. This includes connecting with industry professionals, potential clients, business partners, and other important contacts. The goal is to share information, exchange insights, and create opportunities for collaboration and growth.

By networking effectively, you can enhance your visibility, build credibility, and develop professionally. This means more leads, more referrals, and staying on top of market trends, all while building a supportive community around you.

Who is My Real Estate Sphere of Influence?

Your real estate sphere of influence encompasses everyone you know, from lifelong friends to casual acquaintances. This includes family, friends, colleagues, and anyone you have interacted with.

Let’s Explore The Sphere of Your Network

Understanding and expanding the sphere of your network is essential for building a successful real estate business. Your network includes various groups, each offering unique opportunities for growth and collaboration. Here’s a closer look at the key components of your network and how to leverage them effectively:

Built-in Network: Family, friends, and acquaintances who already know and trust you

  • Leverage Trust: These individuals already trust you, making them excellent sources for referrals and testimonials.

  • Stay Connected: Keep them informed about your real estate activities through regular updates and personal touchpoints like phone calls or holiday cards.

  • Ask for Referrals: Don’t hesitate to ask your built-in network for referrals. They are often more than willing to recommend you to their friends and colleagues.

Business Partners: Mortgage brokers, attorneys, contractors, and other professionals you work with regularly

  • Form Strategic Alliances: Build strong relationships with professionals whose services complement your own. This can lead to mutual referrals and joint ventures.

  • Offer Value: Provide value to your business partners by referring clients to them and highlighting their services in your marketing materials.

  • Collaborate on Projects: Work together on community events, seminars, or webinars to broaden your reach and offer comprehensive services to clients.

Service providers: Photographers, stagers, and home inspectors…

  • Build a Reliable Team: Establish strong relationships with vendors who provide essential services for your real estate business. A reliable team ensures high-quality service for your clients.

  • Negotiate Benefits: Negotiate preferred rates or exclusive deals with vendors to add value to your client offerings.

  • Promote Each Other: Cross-promote services with your vendors. Feature them in your marketing materials, and ask them to do the same for you.

People You Meet at Events: Individuals you connect with at industry conferences, local events, and networking gatherings

  • Be Proactive: Actively participate in industry events and local gatherings to meet new people and expand your network.

  • Follow-Up: After meeting someone new, send a personalized follow-up message to keep the conversation going. Mention something specific you discussed to reinforce the connection.

  • Build Long-term Relationships: Focus on building long-term relationships rather than just exchanging business cards. Invite new contacts for coffee or lunch to deepen your connection.

Social Media Followers: People who follow you on platforms like Instagram & Facebook

  • Engage Regularly: Keep your social media followers engaged by posting valuable content, sharing industry insights, and interacting with their posts.

  • Build Your Brand: Use social media to showcase your expertise, market properties, and share success stories. This helps build your reputation and attract potential clients.

  • Expand Your Reach: Encourage your followers to share your content, participate in discussions, and join your online community to broaden your network.

Other Agents: Colleagues and competitors in the real estate industry

  • Collaborate, Don’t Compete: Build relationships with other agents based on collaboration rather than competition.

  • Join Agent Networks: Participate in local and national real estate associations to connect with other agents. These networks can provide valuable resources, support, and referrals.

  • Mentorship Opportunities: Seek out mentorship from more experienced agents and offer mentorship to newer agents. This can create a supportive community and foster professional growth.

By actively engaging with these different groups, you can tap into a wider circle of potential clients and partners. Encourage referrals and introductions, attend varied events, and leverage social media to interact with the extended network of your contacts. The broader your sphere, the more opportunities you will uncover.

10 Practical Tips for Networking in Real Estate

Come with a Plan: Before attending an event, set clear goals. Know who you want to meet and why. Set a goal for how many people you want to talk to.

Prepare Your Elevator Pitch: Develop a short, compelling introduction that clearly communicates who you are, what you do, and what makes you unique. Aim for a pitch that can be delivered in 30 seconds or less.

Be a Card Taker: Always think about how you can form partnerships with the people you meet. Exchange business cards and keep notes on potential collaboration opportunities.

Be a Good Listener: Pay close attention when people are talking to genuinely connect with them. Be curious and ask thoughtful follow-up questions.

Be Friendly & Have Fun: Smile, say hello, and be genuinely friendly. This will make you more approachable, which is crucial for forming new relationships.

Provide Value: Focus on how you can help others. Make conversations about them by asking how you can assist or whom they would like to be introduced to.

Take the Initiative: Be proactive in following up with new contacts. Give them a call or send an email to express your interest in staying in touch. This simple act can pave the way for building a strong professional relationship.

Use a Real Estate CRM: Enter new contacts into your CRM system as soon as possible. This allows you to set reminders for follow-ups and add them to your drip campaigns, ensuring consistent communication.

Follow Up: After each conversation, jot down notes on your phone to remember key points. Follow up with a handwritten note once you return to your office. A simple "nice to meet you" can leave a lasting impression.

Build the Relationship: Not every connection will be a perfect match, but for those you click with, reach out and suggest meeting for coffee or lunch to deepen the relationship.


Networking is a two-way street. Embrace the reciprocity principle by offering support, knowledge, and resources to others in your network. Be generous with your expertise and connections. By giving to others, you create a positive reputation and foster a community that is willing to reciprocate. Embrace collaboration and partnership, as they can lead to mutually beneficial opportunities.

Reflection Questions

  • How would you describe the current state of your professional network?

  • What steps are you taking to actively expand your network and seek out new networking opportunities? Who would you like to incorporate into your network?

  • Reflect on a recent networking event or interaction. What connections did you make, and how can you nurture those relationships moving forward?

  • How do you leverage online platforms to connect with industry professionals and share valuable content?

  • Reflect on the principle of reciprocity in networking. How are you giving back to your network and fostering a sense of collaboration and support?


Business Mindset

